With the new Winter Wildcards content drop at 6:00 PM, EA Sports released 87 rated Jonjoe Kenny Winter Wildcards SBC in FIFA 23. The card looks strong, good and perfect RB and surely suits any ENGLISH or BUNDESLIGA squad.
The holidays are coming to FUT 23 with plenty of new players to add to your winter wishlist. Celebrate the gift of football with two teams of Winter Wildcards Player Items that bring festive flair to your Ultimate Team squad.
From supernatural boosts to shapeshifting upgrades and the powerhouses in between, Winter Wildcard Player Items will receive a variety of permanent boosts inspired by past, present, and potential future FUT player upgrades.
The Englishman looks great stats wise and is cheap. The beast looking card is equipped with 3 ⭐ SKILL MOVE & 2 ⭐ WEAK FOOT. The SBC comes around for just 59,000 coins (subject to change with the market), which surely is totally worth completing at this stage of game. He can be perfectly fit in English or Bundesliga squads at this stage of game.

Requirements for the SBC:
The SBC requirements are very cheap and he looks worth for this good looking card. He require TWO squads for the completion.
- Min. 1 Player from England
- Min. Team Rating: 83
- Min. 1 Player from Bundesliga
- Min. 1 Players: Team of the Week
- Min. Team Rating: 84
The squad requirements are very cheap and looks worth for this card. Here is the Possible cheapest solution to complete Jonjoe Kenny Winter Wildcards Player SBC :

The price for this squad will be around 9,000 coins and are subject to change over time.

The price for this squad will be around 52,000 coins and are subject to change over time.
The combined price for both the squads will be around 59,000 coins and are subject to change over time.
The stats looks good and the attributes are perfectly distributed. The beast looking card is equipped with 3 ⭐ SKILL MOVE & 2 ⭐ WEAK FOOT. The SBC comes around for just 59,000 coins (subject to change with the market), which surely is totally worth completing at this stage of game. He can be perfectly fit in English or Bundesliga squads at this stage of game.
He surely looks crazy with DEFENSIVE AND PACE stats as well as price. Can be completed absolutely for cheap and will surely be helpful with all the English or Bundesliga Squads.
For better understanding and review checkout the review bars below soon.