EA Sports have confirmed all the dates for release of different modes regarding upcoming FIFA 23. Eligible FIFA 22 Ultimate Team (FUT) players get the chance to start their FUT 23 season early in the FUT Web App and Companion App.
Here are the release dates for the FIFA 23 Web and Companion Apps:
- September 16, 2022 – FUT 22 Web App goes offline.
- September 18, 2022 – FUT 23 Database release.
- September 21, 2022 – FUT 23 Web App comes online.
- If you’re a returning FUT 22 player with an account in good standing, this is when you can start using the Transfer Market.
- September 21, 2022 – Team Of The Week 1 gets released.
- September 22, 2022 – FUT 23 Companion App launches.
- This is your chance to update your Companion App on Android and iOS.
- September 27, 2022 – 10 hour trail release.
- September 27, 2022 – FIFA 23 Ultimate Edition launches.
- September 30, 2022 – FIFA 23 official Ones To Watch releases.
- September 30, 2022 – FIFA 23 official full global launch.
Early access to the Web and Companion Apps ends at 11:59 p.m. UTC on October 16. After that, you’ll need to log in to FUT 23* on your PC, Stadia, or console at least once to continue using both apps.

- You must have created a FUT Club in FIFA 22 and logged in to FUT 22 on your platform before August 1, 2022, to be eligible for early access to the FUT 23 Web and Companion Apps.
- Your FUT 22 account must still exist.
- That means if you’ve deleted your Club, you won’t be able to get an early start.
- Your account needs to be in good standing.
- If you don’t have access, it means you have either done things in the past that broke our rules.
- Playing FIFA 23 once you have the full game can contribute to earning access to the Transfer Market on the Web and Companion Apps.
What’s up with my returning user rewards?
Rewards are based on your account’s good standing in the game, along with your player history, engagement, and account status. This is why your rewards may be different from your friend’s.
I switched platforms. Can I get access or my rewards on my new console?
No, returning user rewards are tied to your specific console account. So if you switch platforms or create a new account on the same platform, your access and rewards won’t carry over.
Can I still access FIFA 22 on the Web and Companion Apps after FIFA 23 launches?
No, the FUT 23 version replaces the FUT 22 version. You won’t be able to access FUT 22 on the Web App after September 21, 2022.
Can I still access FIFA 22 on the Web and Companion Apps after FIFA 23 launches?
No, the FUT 23 version replaces the FUT 22 version. You won’t be able to access FUT 22 on the Web App after September 21, 2022.
For the Companion App, there will be a forced update to the FIFA 23 version on Android and iOS after September 22, 2022. That means you won’t be able to access FIFA 22 on the Companion App after September 22.
Remember: To continue using both the Web and Companion Apps after October 17, you’ll need to access FUT 23* on your PC or console at least once.